Hello World!

I am Stjepan

IT Graduate
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Let us get straight into the work I have done

Dublin Travels

Full Stack Application
  • Allowing users to authorise and post
  • JavaScript in frontend and backend
  • Database use and external APIs
  • Everything deployed live to use
  • Transformers App

    React & Modern JavaScript project
  • Heavy usage of ES6 JavaScript
  • Highly interactive and dynamic
  • Common usage of array & array methods
  • Design created in Figma
  • Styled with SASS and media queries
  • JavaScript Quiz

    Full stack app created in GitHub collaboration
  • Git collaboration between frontend and backend
  • Creating frontend JS logic
  • Making JavaScript questions
  • Designed in Figma
  • Styled with SASS and media queries
  • FilmVerse

    Discover new movies
  • ReactJS project with functional components
  • Dynamic content fetched from TMDB's API
  • Displaying trending and popular movies
  • Displaying reviews and most popular video
  • Working with React npm packages
  • Styled with Styled Components
  • Responsive across all devices
  • Implementing pagination, theme switching, etc...
  • Blogr Landing Page

    Frontend Mentor Challenge
  • Converting design to live website
  • Implementing both mobile and desktop designs
  • Segmenting project into ReactJS components
  • Heavy use of JSX and SCSS
  • Original challenge link available here
  • Tech & Challenges

    Vanilla JavaScript and DOM Manipulation
  • Beginner vanilla JavaScript project
  • User interactivity created with modern JavaScript
  • DRY Principle with ES6 features
  • DOM manipulation with user's options
  • Styled with SASS and media queries
  • Widicy

    E-commerce website (API outdated)
    first project
  • ReactJS project with functional components
  • Dynamic website with Etsy's open API data
  • Over 60 million items available to search
  • Implementation of React hooks
  • ES6 features and npm packages
  • Styled with Styled Components
  • Responsive across all devices
  • Pagination, search filtering, framer motion and more

    I am Stjepan Brnjak, software development graduate

    While I am mostly self taught, currently I have a pleasure of learning more through Higher Diploma in Sofware Development at National College of Ireland as a Part-Time student. I am proud of what I have learned so far, however even more excited to learn new things!

    I am really happy to see you this far in the portfolio. If you have any queries, please feel free to contact me.

    Copyright © Stjepan Brnjak. All Rights Reserved